Monday, March 11, 2013

Why Asian Americans shouldn't re-settled in Asia.

Yup, I've said it, but hold on before you make any comment about that statement.

If you look at it this way, most of those countries where majority of Asian Americans came from are literally American puppets. The US financially supporting these countries and help them suppressing reformists whenever there are ones popping up. And just like how they did to those Wahabists in Saudi Arabia, American governments want these countries to be as traditional and backward as possible.

Take example of Taiwan. With the help of the US, the government of Republic of China retreated to the island of Taiwan after the communists took over. Before all of these, China had many reformists, but all went away. The dictatorship led by Qiang Kai Sheik took over (or "Martial Laws" as how it was called back then.), People went "missing". The government re-introduce Confucianism into primary education. The relationships within families and the school system has turned into something that resembles more of the modern Asian stereotypes than it once was. All of these has successfully eliminate any free thinker and the populations are all pale, childish, installed with fear by parents and school since day one, unable to think outside of the box, unable to fight for themselves, their freedom and their rights. All of these has backed by the US in order to prevent countries turning into communist. Also when you see a populations like that, it's a sign of being gullible and easily manipulated. With everyone being the way they are, the US can control the economic easily without facing any opposition.

With all that being said, why should we going back? The American's Cold War policies that continued till today has turned our countries into bunch of nanny states. Some of them are pretty well off economically, but they're nanny states controlled by the US regardless. Our parents brought us here to have us get an American university degree and bring "honor" to the family. They do it out of that naiveness (Most of culturally traditionalists are naive to a certain degrees.). But what we can do is staying here and improve our lives and our conditions, fighting for our rights and our social statues HERE, as going back will not change a thing.

But if any Asian American really want to go back, trying to change things and make things right. Don't just going back to teach English or enjoy the local food or whatever then settled down and doing nothing. Bring some changes, do what you think is right to improve that society.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

And today, I wanna discuss about the racism Asian Americans faced in the inner city. I've personally encountered quite a numbers of incident. I've seen blacks and Latinos, especially blacks, treating Asians like we are equal as white people and all of us are filthy rich.

For instance, I know this truck driver at my warehouse job, he's a big work bully who only pick on White and Asians. I never seen him doing any of the shit he does when he's around other blacks (he's black.). There was this one day he threatened me to "knock my ass out", and I told the manager and get him suspended as it's work, any physically retaliation means a death sentence to my job. He often yelling, hunking the horn continuously, verbally insulting all the whites and Asians at work. If he does it to other blacks or Latinos, I'd say he just got a weird sense of humor, but he's a pussy cat when he's around his own people and Latinos.

To all the Asians, how many of you guys have heard or actually encountered name-calling, death threat, robbery, physical assault in the inner city? Average Asians got a tough upbringing since day one by our traditional, backward parents. Now, do we wanna grow up and getting treated like shit for the rest of our lives? or do we wanna do something about it. It's about the time.

Of course, we need to get more confidence, street-smart, extrovert...etc. I've been hearing a lot of  people on Asian American sites talking about things like this. They do have some great points, but they failed to realized that we as a group got target marks painted on us for decades in the inner city. It's so bad that they'll simply start shit whenever they see us. We need to tough ourselves up to another level.

I like the idea of creating an Asian Panzers. With the stereotypes created by Hollywood liberals (which, ironically, are the ones that talk about race equality but encouraging ignorance amongst non-Whites at the same time, which will be covered in another up coming post.), Asians need to tough themselves up. We need to take up arms to defend our social status, our rights and our self-esteem.

But at the same time, we shouldn't let Asian supremacism blind us. Divide and conquer, that's exactly what the liberal elitists want to see. There are still good, self respecting, well-informed and educated folks out there in the hood who haven't been brainwashed by the stereotypes. Asian Panzers will not be pure Asians, but anyone, no matter blacks, Latinos, or even whites who understand this concept: remember, our biggest enemies are our own backwardness and ignorance and liberal elitists and their racist puppets who attack us due to their superficial racial pride and ignorance.

Also, as for the rich, traditional, clueless suburban Asians (Anyone who has been to places such as Rowland Heights or Diamond Bar in LA County will know who I'm referring to here). Well, these group of people are the creation of the so-called cultural preservation proposed by the liberal elitists. They're another source of the abuse toward Asian Americans. Underneath those mansions, are some hideous hardcore child molesters. They're the self-abuser who abuse their own child, thus their interests shall not be defended by us.

Numb off the oppression externally or internally, only advancement and power, that's the right attitude Asians should have.

This is my first post blog. In this blog, I'm discussing the problems East Asian people face in the West and in their own countries and offer advices and solutions, as well as other topics that somewhat related to it that I wanna discuss. I'm an Asian American immigrated from Taiwan to the US and has been living in the US for 9 years now and I've encounter enough and have understanding of both the US and Asia and feel like sharing my opinions and perspective on things. If you do agree with me and wanna email me to discuss further, please feel free to do so.